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From the


S Serve Blog June 2
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Business Assisting Missions: An Introduction

In recent years, though, there are several fields of Gospel labor where a new vehicle is needed. Whereas Creative Access Nations used to be counted on one hand, more and more nations are difficult to enter long-term with an explicitly religious purpose. What vehicle can get us into some of those fields?

A Advance Magazine May 23
Advance Web Summer 2024

Summer 2024

Ready, set, send! Commissioning and sending out missionaries: How does it work, and how can churches do it well?

StoriesMay. 14
WR Ukraine 102

World Relief: Updates

Learn about World Relief efforts in southern Brazil, Ukraine, and other areas of the world.. Your gifts are needed as much as ever to help our missionaries and trusted contacts deliver relief to the hurting people around the world.

StoriesMar. 11
Alpha Albrights

They Call Her Alpha

This outspoken but generous-hearted 104-year-old rescued Kent and Belén Albright when they were young, struggling missionaries.

StoriesFeb. 20
Paris Olympics TN

2024 Paris Olympics

Join a team of BMM missionaries for Project Olympics 2024, an evangelistic outreach to the international crowds attending this summer's events in Paris.

StoriesJan. 26
Message Star TN2

Message of the Star

The beautiful Moravian star: this unique Christmas icon points Renate Reiner to the star of Bethlehem—and reminds her of the reason she serves the Lord.

Global Impact.

God has a remarkable way of transforming temporal resources into eternal treasure. The bottom line—a gift to missions changes lives. Discover the many ways you can invest in lives through Baptist Mid-Missions, including our Global Impact Fund.

The Baptist Mid-Missions Family exists to strategically advance the building of Christ’s church, with His passion and for His glory, in vital partnership with Baptist churches worldwide.

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